Your Company Details
Number of additional trading outlets to be added to membership, this should not include your main trading outlet.
Each additional outlet added to your membership will receive the same benefits as the main outlet at a reduced rate of 50%.
Reason for joining
Please select one or more of the reasons below. You can select more than one if you hold the Ctrl key down.
Contact preferences
You will always receive important information such as login details, membership packs or invoices. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.
In addition to the above please let us know what else you would like to receive from us.
As part of your ACT membership we will email you updates and offers on behalf of our service provider partners.
As part of your membership we will occasionally send you news and information via post.
To help you get the most out of your membership we would like to share your data with our selected service provider partners who may contact you.
If you are happy for your data to be shared please select at least one of the following:
Contact preferences can be amended any time via My ACT.
Membership Price
£ (£ inc. VAT)
Discount for paying by annual Direct Debit £ (£ inc. VAT)
Discount for paying by monthly Direct Debit £ (£ inc. VAT)