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E-bike retailer safety pledge

Increasing media coverage of fires linked to unsafe e-bikes and chargers is raising public concern, damaging the reputation of all e-bikes. In most cases, these unfortunate incidents are caused not by certified OEM e-bikes but by uncertified, aftermarket, batteries imported to the UK, purchased via online auction sites or unapproved retailers. This misconception is jeopardising the growth of e-bikes as a sustainable transport solution and creating challenges in an already tough market.

As an industry, we must act now to distinguish our safer, reputable products from the high-risk ones causing these incidents. The 'E-Bike Positive' campaign's mission is to educate the general public to make informed purchase decisions, avoid the risks and be encouraged to enjoy the many benefits of e-bikes for transport or leisure.

We need to promote positive and proactive messaging around e-bike safety, addressing recent concerns and emphasising our commitment to consumer well-being.

Pledge your commitment and be listed as an E-Bike Positive retailer now.


What is the e-bike retailer safety pledge?

Designed for e-bike retailers, this pledge represents a commitment to best practices in safety, ensuring that customers can confidently choose retailers who prioritise safe e-bike products and practices.

By pledging, you’ll be recognised as an - E-Bike Positive Retailer - a trusted industry partner prioritising customer safety.

Why is this important?

With recent incidents bringing attention to safety concerns, it’s crucial for responsible retailers to stand out and reassure customers of their dedication to providing safe and reliable e-bikes. This pledge helps create a clear distinction between trustworthy, responsible retailers and those associated with higher-risk products and practices.

Industry support

This initiative is supported by the Bicycle Association (BA) demonstrating a unified effort to enhance safety standards across the industry.

Where will I be displayed?

All retailers that sign the pledge will listed as an E-Bike Positive retailer ready for consumers to find on:


 My company commits to the following best practice actions:

When retailing e-bikes:

  • To sell only road legal e-bikes which are safety-tested and from trusted suppliers, and which come with full safety information and user instructions

When repairing e-bikes:

  • To repair only road legal e-bikes
  • To repair or modify e-bikes only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
  • To ensure that after any repair or modification, the e-bike can be charged and used safely. If this cannot be guaranteed, to refuse to do the work
  • To supply only safety-tested chargers and batteries from trusted suppliers
  • To supply only chargers, batteries and other components which are documented to be compatible with each other, and with the e-bike where they will be used
  • To supply chargers and/or batteries with full safety information and user instructions

When supplying spare batteries and chargers

  • To supply only safety-tested chargers and batteries from trusted suppliers
  • To supply only chargers, batteries and other components which are documented to be compatible with each other, and with the e-bike where they will be used
  • To supply chargers and/or batteries with full safety information and user instructions

Pledge your commitment by filling in the form below.


All fields marked * are compulsory

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